Friday, October 06, 2006

Nothing New Around Here

Time seems to fly and nothing seems to get done. The laundry piles never seem to shrink, the dishes are always dirty, and the floor could use a good sweeping but none of that gets done when you are keeping up with two kids and working full time! In the past month life has been busy as usual. We went to the zoo, celebrated birthdays, visited with pirates on the Star of India, went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Vickie and see her broken leg, put up Halloween decorations, bought costumes, went to the spa, did some gambling, and of course worked and played. I guess I was wrong when I said nothing seems to get done. We've been having a lot of fun and that is all that matters when your kids grow so fast! Sadly a lot of our fun wasn't captured this month as we forgot the camera several times. Here are just a few new pictures to keep you updated.

Jacob and Jack on our special zoo safari day.

Dad and Livie at the Eastlake 20th Anniversary party.

Olivia at 9 months old.

Jacob and Olivia

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! When did they get so big? And so gorgeous. Hey, where are my pics? I love you all.
Grandma Dottie