Saturday, September 09, 2006

They're getting big!

It is amazing how fast time seems to go by! Jacob is almost four and has started preschool for the year. It was good that we sent him in the summer because he was so excited to go back. He is in Mrs. Silva's class and it is a class for kids that are four or will soon be four. We are looking forward to all the wonderful projects and presentations that they have planned.

Olivia is now 9 months and growing like a weed. She has decided that she prefers table food and baby food is no longer her favorite. She loves mangos, peaches, avocados, bread, bagels, bananas, and the list just keeps growing. She is using a sippy cup and crawling all over the place. She can also pull up on the furniture but hasn't quite figured out what to do after that.

Olivia and Jacob, best friends (most of the time)!

A sippy cup and Cheerios....I'm all grown up now!

Check Olivia out in her own big girl chair.


Jason, Amy, Sophie, and Matthew said...

They both ARE getting big - as staying cute as ever! We can't believe Jacob is in preschool. Wow. By the way, Olivia and Sophie have the same PJs!

Anonymous said...

Jacob & Olivia are growing so fast it's hard to keep up! What two beautiful children you are! We're glad that Jacob enjoys preschool so much...we know he'll have a blast this year. And we love baby O's new big-girl chair! WE love you all...See you soon!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I love these kids!