Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pool time!

Well summer is well underway and as you can see we've been spending a lot of time in the water! Jacob had two weeks of swim lessons and we probably should have signed him up for more because he loves the water. He can jump off the side and swim to us and he's diving for pool toys. Olivia must think she's a fish too because she loves to float around and tries to put her face under the water. She's quite the princess when she floats around in her little boat and everybody fights over who gets to push her. Many friends have joined us in the pool but unfortunately I'm finding that taking pictures is not as easy to do when you've got your hands full with two children. The camera is ever present but doesn't always make it out of the bag!

Jacob with his swim teacher.

This is the life!

Bathing beauty

All warmed up to go home.

My brother is the best!

The lap of luxury!

Mom goes in the pool too!

1 comment:

Jason, Amy, Sophie, and Matthew said...

Great summer fun and an excellent boat for Olivia. Sophie has the same exact model. Ahoy there maties!
