Thursday, December 08, 2005

Our New Arrival

Well November was a crazy month and as you could see we didn't update the blog very well! Brandie hosted a beautiful baby shower for me at The Boat House restaurant. I meant to post the pictures but then we got busy decorating Olivia's room. I was going to post pictures of that but then I was busy prepping for maternity leave at school. I thought about updating the blog but then was busy getting ready for Thanksgiving. As you can figure out I was going to post pictures of that fun day but then I went into labor! As I said November was crazy!

On November 30th we welcomed Olivia Grace into our family, 4 weeks early! She was 6 pounds 5 ounces and just fine. I guess she didn't want to share a December birthday with her dad or big brother. After a very quick delivery she was more than happy to meet her family.

Here's Olivia just a few minutes old.

This is the midwife who delivered Olivia.

Jacob loves his new little sister!

There is a lot of pink around our house these days.

Sleepy Olivia!


Anonymous said...

Now that's what I call a great family blog! I love you all! By the way, nice way to catch up, Jessica.

Jason, Amy, Sophie, and Matthew said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the world, Olivia!!
