Saturday, February 10, 2007

Olivia Turned ONE!

Olivia celebrated her first birthday on November 30th! Sadly, Daddy was away on a business trip but Mom and Jacob helped her celebrate in style. While Olivia is a little behind Jacob developmentally, she passed him by a quarter of an inch in height! Back in November Olivia was cruising around the furniture and had just given up the bottle. Now she is walking everywhere, eats only grown up food, says a few words, and is showing interest in riding her little scoot around bike. It was an eventful first year from her very first day when there was concern that she had a tethered spinal cord, the appearance of her hemangioma at 1 month, fear of hip displaysia at 6 months, and surgery at 8 months to remove the hemangioma! Through it all she remained the happy little girl that she is now. We are all looking forward to a less stressful second year with a lot more wonderful memories!

Olivia's very first birthday present!

Pretty in pink!

Jacob helped with the candle.



Anonymous said...

What a joy it is to watch our precious grandchildren grow. Livy is a joy and Jacob is so concerned about her eating small objects, especially since she is walking everywhere now! We love you Jacob and Livy!! Grnadma and Grandpa

Jason, Amy, Sophie, and Matthew said...

Great birthday photos of Olivia! Keep them coming. Love, Orlandos

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica. Olivia is oh so beautiful and sweet. Jacob is as handsome and cute as always. I love you all so much. Grandma Dottie