Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Pool time!

Well summer is well underway and as you can see we've been spending a lot of time in the water! Jacob had two weeks of swim lessons and we probably should have signed him up for more because he loves the water. He can jump off the side and swim to us and he's diving for pool toys. Olivia must think she's a fish too because she loves to float around and tries to put her face under the water. She's quite the princess when she floats around in her little boat and everybody fights over who gets to push her. Many friends have joined us in the pool but unfortunately I'm finding that taking pictures is not as easy to do when you've got your hands full with two children. The camera is ever present but doesn't always make it out of the bag!

Jacob with his swim teacher.

This is the life!

Bathing beauty

All warmed up to go home.

My brother is the best!

The lap of luxury!

Mom goes in the pool too!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Now you see you don't!

Here is Jacob on Friday at SeaWorld......

....and here is Jacob on Monday!

The Christmas that Jacob turned one he was already walking but often unsteady if he picked up too much speed. Unfortunately he fell on Christmas and knocked his teeth on Great Grandma Moon's glass coffee table. Other than a small chip he seemed fine and there seemed to be no problem. Fast forward two years and he's now three. He had his first dentist visit back in March and received a clean bill of health until they looked at the x-rays. Seems that the fall from years before had actually damaged the roots and one of them was fractured. We were told to keep an eye on the teeth and be careful. We've been doing pretty good until this past Friday when he bit into an apple while at SeaWorld. Hours later he shows us his wiggly tooth that has been wiggling all day! We called the emergency after hours dentist and they wanted to have the tooth x-rayed first thing Monday morning. Turns out that the trauma to the roots caused them to die and both front teeth had no root left at all. Even though only one was loose the dentist thought it would be best to remove them both at the same time. Jacob was amazing, he didn't cry or even act scared or nervous. He wanted to know where he could buy all the dentist tools so he could be a dentist!

In a couple of weeks we will go back and the dentist will be making a pediatric partial to replace his teeth since it will be about 3 years before his adult teeth grow in. This will help keep the teeth aligned for the future and it will help him with his speech. Despite the stress on his parents Jacob is doing great and was very excited to wake up this morning with a letter and money from the Tooth Fairy!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fourth of July

We celebrated the Fourth of July with our annual trip to the Eastlake fireworks! Every year the family gathers here and we pack up drinks, snacks, and dessert and head to the Olympic Training Center for the Eastlake sponsored firework show. We stake out our spot at about 5:30 and then play around until the fireworks start at about 9:00. We buy our main dinner from the onsite Hunter Steakhouse BBQ wagon and then break open our cooler of extras. Jacob has discovered his love of spray on tattoos and balloon art. This year he got patriotic flames on his leg and was sporting a pirate hat, sword, and belt! After eating we lounged around on the grass listening to music and watching Jacob tackle Michael and Uncle Sean in their football game. As it got dark we purchased the annual glow necklace and then watched the fireworks. They were better this year than last and everybody, even Olivia, loved them! It was another great Fourth of July celebration!